I get excited when my journal peeps itself from my handbag or just lying on my reading table. It brings creative vibes to mi, writing is way up on my everyday to do list something i do everyday a natural flexing of my fingers and my brain/// always searching for something to write about. Writing inspired this blog and my love for all things Art, so its no coincidence that my name initials are VOA (Voice Of Art) U too check am nahhh..lol:)........seriously, as a little girl living in the suburbs of once upon a time the colorful and innocent city of KD (Kaduna, North Nigeria) my mind was my only friend and creativity my therapy, i felt special, still do and i lived in a world of alone. I see lips moving but i don't hear what they are saying...just in my own space using time to create face./// Omoh. DON'T BE A WASTE!chigul...love her//
Out of the mouth of babes flows Wisdom says The Great Book (Bible), you never know where you will find the answers to all the ??? you find yourself faced with on your everyday living. But i tell you one sure thing i have heard great wisdom from the most unexpected places and persons, especially from kids. There is the saying that goes "kids say the darnest things"...i will say "kids say the darnest and true things".
This page was inspired by LIFE and the zeal to always share positive vibes to those that appreciate what they have not what others have and they want....if you fall in this category i have just four words for you "IT COULD BE WORSE" so be thankful for what you've got and stop being an ass (sorry for using that word,but it has to be said). Constructive criticism, when you see something good or someone doing something good and positive appreciate it don't envy it, encourage don't discourage, say something uplifting to it don't badmouth or backyardmouth it and the most important use that good thing to encourage yourself to start your own positive vibes...let the love flow...share love and not hate.
Now, am gonna talk about something that has been bugging mi mind for a very very very very very lol very looooong time! and that is when a fellow brother or sistah hates on another ( if u ain't getting what am talking about am talking about blacks hating on blacks) What dah hell is that all about???, we should be standing up for each other and helping each other not pulling or backstabbing or badmouthing your own...common guyz! PLEASE I BEG UNA WITH GOD. for example lets look at the great one in a million Gabrielle D. who won gold in the recently finished Olympics, i couldn't just believe it when we all were so proud of her and all, some jobless knukkle heads were dissing on her hair omg! whats that about!..seriously???... Ok, yeah i know some brothers and sistahs kind be such a disappointment or just plain dumb and lack character but what about those that are being the best that they can be, those pushing it through difficult and impossible situations and those that remain level headed, heads held high, strong spirited individuals. Those making the impossible possible. And seriously this is going out most especially to all the Diasporians (made that up), cos we sure s**t on each other for no darned reason and if u have a reason grow up and go talk it out with the person and if u ain't got the balls to do so then PLEASE shaa rraaap!
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